Since I had so much great feedback on my Southwest blog post, I decided to put together a detailed list from Kauai. These photos are a collection from the times I've been on the island in the last three years. It's my favorite Hawaii island!
I feel extremely grateful that I got to see and do so much on this island. The first time I went, Patrick Kelley and Matt Feeser put in endless effort in showing me around. They introduced me to their friends and it was so much fun! Without these two amazing humans, I wouldn't have been able to do half of this stuff. At the time, I don't think I fully realized the opportunity or how much it was impacting me. Looking back, I appreciate how much they went out of their way for me.
For those of you interested in an unique and educational workshop on photography, I highly recommend Patrick's Kauai Adventure Photography Workshops. He's an amazing landscape photographer and takes his tour groups to places on the island to get incredible scenic shots. It's a hands on learning experience! I can't say enough about him and his team that leads these tours. If you are on Kauai and are an avid photographer, definitely check into it!
Top things you need if you are going to hike.
1. Waterproof hiking shoes that let your feet breath. Because it rains so much, it's guaranteed that water will be on your trail. There are streams to cross to get to a lot of the waterfalls, so your footwear is very important. Nothing is worse than wearing wet, disgusting socks in soaked hiking shoes.
2. Always have your swimsuit on hand. Most hikes have a waterfall destination, so you want to be prepared to jump in if you feel like it.
3. Invest in a good backpack and carry water, sunscreen, snacks, all the essentials all the time.
4. Leave everything fashion related at home. Kauai is wet, muddy, humid and frankly nobody is paying attention to you. This is not Waikiki! I made that mistake my first time there. I even brought heels! You will never wear any of it and there isn't any nightlife.
5. Buy a waterproof case for your iphone and camera. Life is easier when you aren't worried about getting your phone wet. For your DSLR and iPhone, I recommend the DiCAPac brand.
1. Hike Kalalau Valley Look out Trail
I'm going to start this list with something that isn't in the guide books. This is one of the most worthwhile hikes I've ever done. One of the reasons I love it, is because there are so many discoveries along the way. The way you access this trail is to the left of the regular lookout beyond the chain linked fence. The fog is always rolling in and out, so you have to be a little patient with this hike if you want to see the view at the end. This hike is not difficult and I'm guessing less than 2 miles round trip. Bring water and never go while it's raining or after a heavy rainfall. These are 4,000 ft. cliffs, and in some parts there are massive drop offs on both sides.